Improving Mood Through Color and Gratification

Winter is traditionally prime crafting time because the rhythms of life slow down and we are inside more hours of the day. It's also colder outside and most fibers are great at keeping us warm and toasty! There is a period of winter, however, (typically when the holidays are over and the nights are still long) when the gray days start to blend together and motivation can wane. If you find yourself in a creative slump throughout the winter, know you're not alone!
Seasonal depression can impact our crafting, leaving us with little interest in the activities that usually bring us so much joy! Here are a couple of ways to avoid or get out of the making doldrums and improve your mood.
Use Color!
One way to lift yourself out of a funk is to grab a vivid color that breaks through the gloom! Bold colors add life and energy to any project and can be a literal bright spot when all seems dark. Neon colors might not be your go-to most of the year, but this is a great time to take a chance and add a pop of color to your wardrobe!
Make it Snappy!
I think we’d all agree that there is a fantastic feeling when we complete a project, and there is actually science to back that up! Finishing a project activates endorphins which attach to the brain’s reward centers which release dopamine which…makes us feel happy!
The next time you're feeling stuck, use a thicker yarn, choose a one or two skein project with larger needles and reward yourself with near-instant gratification. Even if you have a pile of WIPs waiting, you’ll feel accomplished and ready to tackle the world! It's amazing what finishing something can do for reinvigorating the creative mojo.
If you're looking for retail therapy suggestions, our team reaches for Malabrigo when they need color, and Rios and Worsted are the perfect blend of color therapy and faster projects. Once you find the colorway that speaks to you - your projects will fly off the needles even on the darkest days!