Half-Fisherman's Rib Stitch (Shaker's Stitch) Tutorial

Half fisherman's rib is a classic take on traditional ribbing and creates a thick, squishy fabric that makes for an extra cozy garment or accessory. In this video tutorial, we show how to knit a half fisherman's rib - also known as the Shaker's Stitch - worked flat.
Half fisherman's rib will work up wider than traditional ribbing and take more rows to reach any particular length. (This is because it's taking two rows to create each visible row of stitches.)
This is a great twist on a common stitch pattern. Anyone who can read their knitting well enough to find the stitch below - including adventurous beginners! - should feel confident working half fisherman's rib! Also, if you aren't a fan of purling, this method reduces the number of purl you need to complete. Enjoy!