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  • Increasing in Half Fisherman's Rib (Shaker's Stitch) Tutorial

    Increasing in Half Fisherman's Rib (Shaker's Stitch) Tutorial

    Maintaining the look of ribbing when you are increasing can be tricky. Half fisherman's rib in particular creates a thick, squishy fabric that makes for an extra cozy garment or accessory, but requires a slightly different increase method. In this video tutorial, we show how to create an increase in half fisherman's rib. Don't forget the yarn over during your increase so that when you've completed the...
  • Half-Fisherman's Rib Stitch (Shaker's Stitch) Tutorial

    Half-Fisherman's Rib Stitch (Shaker's Stitch) Tutorial

    Half fisherman's rib is a classic take on traditional ribbing and creates a thick, squishy fabric that makes for an extra cozy garment or accessory. In this video tutorial, we show how to knit a half fisherman's rib - also known as the Shaker's Stitch - worked flat.   Half fisherman's rib will work up wider than traditional ribbing and take more rows to reach any...
  • Choosing The Right Yarn For Your Weaving Projects

    Choosing The Right Yarn For Your Weaving Projects

    Whether you're a novice weaver or a seasoned craftsman, picking the appropriate yarn is an important step in any weaving job. It can be difficult to know where to begin with so many weaving yarns available. Regardless of your weaving expertise, we'll give you some advice on picking the correct yarn for your projects in this blog post. Fiber content When selecting yarn...
  • A Beginner's Guide to Crochet Hooks & Knitting Needles

    A Beginner's Guide to Crochet Hooks & Knitting Needles

    We’ve provided an overview of the types of tools and materials you’ll run into during your crafting journey below, but ultimately, the best needle or hook is the one that works for you! The tool that allows you to create the projects you want in a comfortable fashion is going to be your best option.
  • Knitting & Purling Through the Back Loop Tutorial

    Knitting & Purling Through the Back Loop Tutorial

    Normally, we are working stitches through the front loop or the part of the stitch that is on on the side of the needle closest to you. Sometimes a pattern will tell you to knit or purl through the back loop. In the video tutorial below, we show how to knit through the back loop, how to purl through the back loop, and how...
  • Inserting a Lifeline Tutorial

    Inserting a Lifeline Tutorial

    Adding a lifeline or safety line to your knitting is like hitting save on a computer document. If something happens and you need to tear out some of your work, the lifeline will allow you to rip back to that point, but prevents you from going back any further. It can provide peace of mind that the work below the line is safe,...
  • Placing & Slipping Stitch Markers Tutorial

    Placing & Slipping Stitch Markers Tutorial

    Stitch markers can be incredibly helpful for identifying pattern repeats, locations of increases/decreases or noting where to start/stop a border. In the video tutorial below, we show you how to place a stitch marker and how to slip a marker when you get to it.   Be careful not to count your stitch marker as a stitch when it moves from one needle...
  • Changing Between Knits & Purls Tutorial

    Changing Between Knits & Purls Tutorial

    Knitting is "only" two stitches - knits and purls - but how we use them allows us to create a world of different textures and designs! In the video tutorial below, we walk you through the first step, which is learning how to switch from knit to purl and from purl to knit.   There are two keys to successfully changing between knit and...
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