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Changing Between Knits & Purls Tutorial


Knitting is "only" two stitches - knits and purls - but how we use them allows us to create a world of different textures and designs! In the video tutorial below, we walk you through the first step, which is learning how to switch from knit to purl and from purl to knit. 

There are two keys to successfully changing between knit and purl stitches. Keep in mind that knits are done with the working yarn in back, while purls are done with the working yarn in front. Whenever you need to switch to one or the other, always take the working yarn between the needles. 

Beginners who have learned how to create a knit stitch and a purl stitch should feel confident learning how to change between the two! After becoming comfortable with the movement, you'll be able to experiment with all kinds of stitch patterns!


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