Nordic Noël Blanket CAL: November/December 2023
Welcome to the Nordic Noël blanket crochet along hosted by our friends at Sirdar! This is the coziest blanket to crochet in festive shades of red,...
Welcome to the Nordic Noël blanket crochet along hosted by our friends at Sirdar! This is the coziest blanket to crochet in festive shades of red,...
Becky has been working with Michigan Fine Yarns since September 2020, and - fun fact - she lives in Charlotte, North Carolina! You read that correc...
It has LONG been discussed that we’d like to share more of what goes on behind the scenes at MFY - from the yarny goodness and running a small busi...
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By creating an account you will be able to shop faster, be up to date on an order's status, and keep track of the orders you have previously made.
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