Casting On Lots of Stitches Tutorial - Long Tail & Cable Methods

Some projects, such as blankets, require casting on a lot of stitches - for example, 200 stitches. In the video tutorial below, we provide two options that use the long-tail cast-on, and then demonstrate the cable cast-on which allows you to cast on stitches starting at the end of your yarn.
In the first part of the tutorial, we include how to estimate the amount of yarn required for the basic long-tail cast-on. In the second part, we demonstrate how to complete the long-tail cast-on with two separate strands of yarn. Finally, in the third part, we demonstrate the cable cast-on method.
All three options are suitable for beginners, with the caution for the cable cast-on to take extra care to “trap” your stitches on the tips of your needles so they don’t fall off! With that note in mind, you’re ready to catch on lots of stitches!