Open Table
Times: Mondays at 6-8pm, Thursdays from 6-8pm, and Saturdays at 12-2pm
Description:Bring your fiber friends or make new ones - we have a dedicated OPEN TABLE for you! We welcome you to bring your latest WIP (all yarn welcome!) or look around for inspiration - we've got LOTS! It's our store motto, after all!
Prerequisites: None Required
Cost: Free - bring a friend or your entire knitting/crochet group, the tables are OPEN!

with Tricia
(@AcademicHobbyist) - Tricia teaches several courses at Michigan Fine Yarns, and also curates many of our online and special events. As a professor, Tricia has been instructing students for more than twenty years. At Michigan Fine Yarns, she combines that in-person and online instructional experience with her passion for yarn and knitting, which she’s been using as her mindfulness practice since grad school. Her favorite projects are ones that teach a new skill, or introduce a new “must have” knitting notion for that occasional retail therapy. Find her in store or online, and she’ll help you show off your knits so others can see the joy and peace they bring you!
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4 Class Bundle
Learn to Crochet
At Michigan Fine Yarns
4 Class Bundle
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At Michigan Fine Yarns
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