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  • Meet the Team: Becky

    Meet the Team: Becky

    Becky has been working with Michigan Fine Yarns since September 2020, and - fun fact - she lives in Charlotte, North Carolina! You read that correctly. Becky lives half a country away, but has been managing our digital content for the last few years. It's a story of kismet and the power of the fiber arts - the healing arts. Becky's Background Becky's...
  • Unboxing Life at MFY

    Unboxing Life at MFY

    It has LONG been discussed that we’d like to share more of what goes on behind the scenes at MFY - from the yarny goodness and running a small business to, of course, the shenanigans that ensue! Our hope is that we can continue to build out this content and share the hearts behind MFY. 💜 Conventions We attend an annual convention in...
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